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Sussex County Memorial Day Service


Event Info

Sussex County Memorial Day Celebration on Georgetown Circle Sunday The traditional Sussex County Memorial Day Service will be held on The Circle in Georgetown, Sunday, May 28th at 1:30 PM sponsored by the Georgetown Kiwanis Club and the Korean War Veterans Association. The Keynote speech "Living Lives That Honor the Fallen" will be delivered by Sergeant First Class Justin Downen, US Army National Guard, a combat veteran of the 3rd Special Forces Group and founder of the Green Beret Project that mentors and empowers disadvantaged children and teens to self-respect and success. The Master of Ceremonies will be Georgetown's own Representative in Dover, Ruth Briggs King. The invocation and benediction will be offered by Peter Cornell, Deacon of Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Georgetown. Cathy Gorman of Georgetown will return to sing the National Anthem and America the Beautiful. The audience is encouraged to sing along. Memorial wreathes will be placed by local veterans' groups and service organizations in tribute to those who died in both World Wars, Korea, Viet Nam, and the more recent conflicts to protect our freedoms. Assisting will be members of Troop 95, Boy Scouts of America. The rifle salute will be executed by members of the 198th Signal Battalion, Delaware National Guard, stationed at the Georgetown Armory. Taps and its echo will be performed by Sussex Central Band Director Ben Ables and Sussex Central senior Kylie Youse. The program is scheduled to last about 50 minutes. Seating is provided on The Circle. Attendees may also choose to bring comfortable folding chairs.